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There are many benefits to Australian Standards
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There are many benefits to Australian Standards

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-03-25      Origin: Site

Australian Standards grant businesses and consumer confidence that the goods and services that they are purchasing, developing or using meet the standard which ultimately means for them that the product is safe, reliable and will do the job they were intended for.
Products that comply with Australian Standards have a competitive advantage over products that don't - consumers know the difference. Australian exporters using international Standards have a head start when they move into overseas markets.
Standards ensure products manufactured in one country can be sold and used in another as standards vary from country to country. Standards help to reduce technical barriers involved in international trade, standards increase the size of potential markets and position Australian firms to compete in the world economy.
Standards help create a consistency across the same product. Standards offer an alternative to regulation, with less red tape and business costs, while still providing security for families and small business consumers.
Temporary fencing and temporary hoardings are used to create a visual barrier in order to restrict access to unauthorized persons on construction sites, events and restricted zones. They not only provide safety for construction workers and the public but they also provide a safe zone to keep equipment and materials restricting the risk of theft.

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