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Australian Temporary Fence Standards – What are they?
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Australian Temporary Fence Standards – What are they?

Views: 18     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-08-28      Origin: Site

As a builder, construction worker or supplier, you are most likely aware of what the Australian Standards are and what they mean to your business, however if you are a property owner, an event organiser or otherwise, the Australian Standards may be a foreign concept, so below is a brief overview of what the Australian Standards are and why they are so important.

The Australian Standards are a set of rules and regulations that specify the minimum requirements for products, materials and services being used in Australia to ensure an acceptable level of safety and quality.

Standards vary from country to country, so it’s important to make sure that any goods or services you use here in Australia (especially if they have been imported from overseas) meet the Australian Standards. This includes Temporary Fencing.

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